The Biggest Lie About Cellulite

We've all heard it. Cellulite affects 90% of women and there's pretty much nothing you can do about it. All but buy expensive lotions and potions that will only help diminish, not eradicate your cellulite. Boo! 
The truth is that “cellulite” is simply a symptom of unhealthy fascia 

What Is Fascia?
Fascia, simply put, is the body’s web-like connective tissue that runs all over, throughout, inside and in-between; it encases, penetrates, and runs alongside, over and under every structure. Fascia plays an essential part in the body’s anatomy and inter plays with literally every system.
So now you know what fascia is, but how and why does it cause cellulite? Firstly, when your fascia is healthy, it is smooth, malleable, and able to assist every system of the body to work together seamlessly. On the other hand, fascia can become unhealthy due to various factors such as dehydration, overuse, injuries, and a buildup of toxins. This can cause the fascia to tighten and adhere to itself, as well as other structures of the body including skin and muscle. When the fascia is tight, it causes pain, restriction, and yes, you guessed it, cellulite.
When the fascia adheres to the skin, it pulls the skin down, and when the fat pushes up against the uneven, grid-like fascia, it can cause a dimpled look like the tufting on a sofa. This creates the look of “cellulite”. While fat does play a part, it is NOT the root of the problem!  If the fascia were in its regular healthy, pliable state, the same fat would lay flat. Imagine a sausage: sausage is ground up meat put into a plastic casing. The meat itself has no shape, but when you put it in this casing, it takes its form. Same with our fat cells! If the casing (fascia) is smooth, your skin will appear smooth.
 Why are we still believing that this puckered look is caused by fat, even though fat is naturally moldable and will take the shape of its encasing?
How would you like results like this?

At its core, cellulite is simply not a fat problem. It’s not genetics, and it’s not “natural”; the root cause is just unhealthy fascia, and the best part is that it can be addressed! 
So HOW can YOU get rid of your cellulite?
By using this new, bad-ass tool, called the  FasciaBlaster® 

Trust me and thank me later! Go here.


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