4 Steps To Glowing Healthy Skin Fast!

After lots of time, trial, and error, I finally manage to attain my healthiest skin yet. No more acne, dry patches, redness and irritation, or excess oil.
We all want clear healthy skin. The problem is, we listen to what the media says we need. Of course, they're always trying to sell us something. They spend millions on advertisement and paying hot shot celebrities to endorse their products. Like seriously, do you really think Jennifer Aniston slathers on a $12 bottle of 'whatever' skin moisturizer. Hell no! She probably spends thousands of dollars worth of high-end products and spas. I mean, I would.
But we don't have to be rich to have beautiful skin.
And I'm not knocking any products. If they work for YOU, then great!
Unfortunately, most don't work for me because I have sensitive skin.
So for years I experimented. And now I'm sharing my knowledge. And yes, some are common sense.
Let's begin......


I know. You hate me for repeating that. But it's true! Drink a lot of water. More than the recommended 8 cups. Pay attention to how you look and feel. Are your lips dry? Does your skin look sallow? Does it feel dry? Do you feel foggy and have a hard time concentrating? You're probably dehydrated.
So drink up!


It's true, you are what you eat. I won't give you a big lecture about eating "a balanced diet" and blah blah. We are all different. We all have different needs. What may work for you, might make another person sick or have an allergic reaction.
But we can all agree that our bodies are an amazing organic machine! Therefore we need raw, pure nutrition.
What has worked for me the most are: raw tomatoes (2 per day), hard boiled eggs, spring greens, raspberries, and green tea. I invite you to try these foods. If it doesn't work, try another type of veggie or tea. That's totally fine.  


 That's right! Sweat is the way your body keeps from  overheating and also cleanses the skin by releasing toxins in the lymph. Ever notice how soft your skin feels after you shower post workout? It's for a reason. It's like a mini detox for your skin and body. So choose your favorite activity and GET MOVING!


 Lastly, be nice to your skin. If you bought the latest cleanser, but your skin feels dry and  uncomfortable  after you wash your face, then it's probably too harsh for you. Same goes for toners, serums, creams, etc. How does your skin feel after you apply them? If you don't feel like a goddess then you're using the wrong stuff.

Instead opt for gentle products like those made in Korea and Japan. I mean look at their skin! Need I say more? Also whip up your own homemade mask once a week.
Experiment with honey, yogurt, apple sauce, smashed banana.....
These ingredients are pure and will nourish and feed your skin.

Small changes make all the difference. Implement these today!
Talk to you later!


3 week diet

The 3 Week Diet

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