How To Feel Good Even When Life Sucks.

We all go through ups and downs in our lives.
Some days rock, some suck. It's all part of life.
But no matter what, it's important to actively find ways to pull ourselves out of a rut.
Ask yourself these basic questions:
 1. What am I grateful for?
 2. What inspires me?
 3. What energizes me?

Asking ourselves what we are grateful for reminds us that we all have things and people to be thankful for. It keeps us graceful during times when it's easy to be negative. Instead of having a pity party, which is draining, look at what you DO have.
Write it down. Make a list. It will put things in perspective.

What inspires you? Is it a good book or movie? Is it a Mozart piece? Is it a pretty shade of pink or yellow? Or great art... Or looking at pictures of fitness models...

Energy! My favorite one. Why? Because that's all we are in the end. It's a force we need.
It's difficult to feel energetic in the "modern" world. Too much pressure, too much stress.
The ironic thing is in order to have more energy, we need to CREATE more of it.
How do we do that? Be active. And I mean actively active. Don't go to a spin class if you leave it feeling exhausted. Instead, do what feels good! Go for a hike. Dance! Stand up and do 20 jumping jacks. Whatever it takes!

Remember.  Nothing is permanent. Everything, no matter how unpleasant or terrible is ever-changing!
Write these things down and keep them where you can see them.
Let's try to enjoy life more often, in everything we do. :)


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