
Must Watch Video About the FasciaBlaster®

                                                                               Before and After Pictures of  FasciaBlaster® Results Hi guys! I've been talking about the    FasciaBlaster® for a while now and the amazi ng results hundreds of women have been getting. Whether you want to get rid of cellulite, excess localized fat, sore muscles, of want to acquire a rounder, sexier butt, this awesome tool is your answe r! Check out the results in this video! Ready to get started on your journey? Then GO HERE NOW! For more info about what the FasciaBlaster® is and what it can do for you, check out my previous post here.

Weight Loss For Women

Hey guys! I have another great weight loss program to share with you today. It's called The Venus Factor and you guessed it, it's specifically tailored to a woman's needs.  1. 12-week fat loss system e-book So this is the main product. It’s a 180 page ebook but round 80 pages are meal plans to follow.  In this book you will learn the whole Venus Factor system and why women need to eat differently to men. It basically explains a  new way of eating for women to burn fat  and gives you an  exact schedule to follow. It tells you all the right foods to eat to burn fat and lose weight with   meal plans included. 2. 12-week workout system This is a 12-week workout plan that goes along with the diet plan. As you probably already know, if you want to lose weight then you need to exercise. They mainly focus on resistance exercises such as push ups and squats and exercises where you use your own body weight as resistance. This is because resista...

How To Feel Good Even When Life Sucks.

We all go through ups and downs in our lives. Some days rock, some suck. It's all part of life. But no matter what, it's important to actively find ways to pull ourselves out of a rut. Ask yourself these basic questions:  1. What am I grateful for?  2. What inspires me?  3. What energizes me? Asking ourselves what we are grateful for reminds us that we all have things and people to be thankful for. It keeps us graceful during times when it's easy to be negative. Instead of having a pity party, which is draining, look at what you DO have. Write it down. Make a list. It will put things in perspective. What inspires you? Is it a good book or movie? Is it a Mozart piece? Is it a pretty shade of pink or yellow? Or great art... Or looking at pictures of fitness models... Energy! My favorite one. Why? Because that's all we are in the end. It's a force we need. It's difficult to feel energetic in the "modern" world. Too much pressure, too much...

4 Steps To Glowing Healthy Skin Fast!

After lots of time, trial, and error, I finally manage to attain my healthiest skin yet. No more acne, dry patches, redness and irritation, or excess oil. We all want clear healthy skin. The problem is, we listen to what the media says we need. Of course, they're always trying to sell us something. They spend millions on advertisement and paying hot shot celebrities to endorse their products. Like seriously, do you really think Jennifer Aniston slathers on a $12 bottle of 'whatever' skin moisturizer. Hell no! She probably spends thousands of dollars worth of high-end products and spas. I mean, I would. But we don't have to be rich to have beautiful skin. And I'm not knocking any products. If they work for YOU, then great! Unfortunately, most don't work for me because I have sensitive skin. So for years I experimented. And now I'm sharing my knowledge. And yes, some are common sense. Let's begin...... STEP 1:   HYDRATE I know. You hate me for re...

Lose Weight Easily in 21 Days!

New Weight loss Program Allows Dieters to Lose in 21 Days What They Would Normally Need 2 or 3 Months! One of the biggest roadblocks to successful weight loss is the TIME it typically takes to lose weight. Losing weight can be a slow process, and due to human nature, when dieters don’t see immediate results they can get discouraged, which often leads them to either stop trying to lose weight altogether or to start jumping from program to program — never giving any diet the time it needs to work. Nutritionist/personal trainer Brian Flatt recognized this problem and created a new diet program that allows users to lose 12-23 pounds in just 21 days. The program is called The 3 Week Diet. “Now dieters can see their progress almost immediately, so instead of growing discouraged, they become encouraged, and they devote even more energy to their diet,” said Flatt, who is also the owner of R.E.V. Fitness in Southern California. “Nothing promotes success like success.” Flatt said t...


Hello! And welcome to my blog. This is a simple but straightforward blog where I share tips and things I love. From body transformation, to beauty, to weight loss, and skin care, I talk about recipes and occasionally recommend  products that I have personally used and have had success with. I love sharing advice. I love things that motivate and empower me. I hope to help others through this blog. I would love to hear from you.

The Biggest Lie About Cellulite

We've all heard it. Cellulite affects 90% of women and there's pretty much nothing you can do about it. All but buy expensive lotions and potions that will only help diminish, not eradicate your cellulite. Boo!  The truth is that “cellulite” is simply a symptom of unhealthy fascia !    What Is Fascia? Fascia, simply put, is the body’s web-like connective tissue that runs all over, throughout, inside and in-between; it encases, penetrates, and runs alongside, over and under every structure. Fascia plays an essential part in the body’s anatomy and inter plays with literally every system. So now you know what fascia is, but how and why does it cause cellulite? Firstly, when your fascia is healthy, it is smooth, malleable, and able to assist every system of the body to work together seamlessly. On the other hand, fascia can become unhealthy due to various factors such as dehydration, overuse, injuries, and a buildup of toxins. This can cause the fascia to tighten ...

3 week diet

The 3 Week Diet